Kdo jsou naši uchazeči?
They come from Bangladesh and South Asia
South Asia is the biggest and the most populous region in Asia. According to the World Bank announcement, South Asia is a region with the fastest growing economy. South Asia comprises of several countries, e.g. Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India or Nepal
They have rich cultural heritage and values
Each country of South Asia has got a rich history of thousands of years. Many civilizations and cultures occupied the South Asian region during the times. It is also a crossroads of many religious influences and the birthplace of the world´s major religions.
They are energetic young people willing to work
Agriculture played a central role in South Asian economies for a long time. However, over the past years South Asia has been experiencing a massive growth of industry. There are rich deposits of iron ore, metals, diamonds, black coal or salt.
They come from Bangladesh and South Asia
They have rich cultural heritage and values
They are energetic young people willing to work
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